The Lying Fourth Estate

The media is part of the fourth estate, whose roles are to be a watch dog and check-and-balance on the government. They are supposed to expose government lies, malfeasance and corruption. Without a functioning fourth estate, we wouldn’t have a true democracy. We would have politicians going rogue and doing whatever they want.  We would be voting blindly with incomplete or false information.

As I’ve come to learn, starting in 2002 by learning about Noam Chomsky, who wrote “Manufacturing Consent”, the media can be more powerful than the government. The media can manufacture consent to what they want, by manipulating the voters, and they’ve done so multiple times. They have gone rogue.

They manufactured consent for the Vietnam War by lying about Gulf of Tonkin. They manufactured consent for the Iraq invasion by brainwashing 70% of Americans into believing that Saddam Hussein was involved in 9/11. Since 2008, they manufactured consent for Obama. When they failed to manufacture a victory for Hillary in 2016, they went into overdrive to manufacture a rejection of Trump, which they finally succeeded in 2020.

Yes, true democracy is a myth and has been for decades. The media usually can sway the election to the direction that they want.

So, even though Trudeau is an idiot in most ways, he is brilliant in other ways, such as buying off the fourth estate. (He is also a brilliant actor which helped him scam millions of people into believing that he is a feminist and anti-racist.) He forced us to give $600 million of our money to the media. This is similar to a drug pusher giving money to the watch dog of drug pushers, the police. This is similar to a drug company giving money to a government agency that regulates drug companies. Oh wait, that happens. This $600 million is probably the biggest bribe in Canadian history. It is also perverse and sickening that millions of Canadians are giving their money to the media to push an agenda that they do not want.

According to National Post: “Last year, the CBC got $1.4 billion in government funding…”

So, during the 2021 election, instead of exposing government lies and telling the truth to the public, which is that the vax does not stop the spread, as stated by CDC in July, other countries and studies, the media pushed the vax and passport, which helped Trudeau get re-elected.

In the past two years, instead of exposing government lies, the media have been pushing government lies.  The media have become the government’s propaganda arm. The media have never touched on the 5 scams. They have never interviewed or mentioned any of the dozens of doctors who have cured Covid patients with early treatments. Not only have they never mentioned CDC’s statement, CBC will delete your comment if you quote CDC.

CBC-Russia_conspiracy_theory-smallCBC continues to protect Trudeau by smearing people who dislike his policies, by pushing the Russia conspiracy theory again.  Except this time, Russia is in conspiracy with the Canadian truckers (video).

The media helped Trudeau push the ridiculous and laughable lie that the unvaxed are “racists” and “misogynists”.  Now, they are helping Trudeau push the lie that the truckers are racists.

When they cannot attack the debate, they attack the debater.  Not only does this show that they lost the debate, it shows that they cannot even attack the debater.  After three years of incessant media push of the Russia-Trump conspiracy theory in the U.S. and after five years of incessant accusations of racism in both the U.S. and Canada, these accusations are so overused, they have become a joke.

Brian Peckford is the former premier of Newfoundland.  He has filed a lawsuit against the federal government over its travel ban, alleging violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom, which is part of the constitution and the highest law in the land.  He helped draft this charter and is the only surviving signatory.  He is trying to be a check-and-balance on the government.  You would think that the media would cover this story.  Nope.  He wrote this on his blog:
No Canadian CBC, No Canadian CTV But American Fox News — Carried My Lawsuit Story

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Rebel News is one of the few media outlets that Trudeau gave no money to.  Rebel News and to a certain extent, Toronto Sun and National Post, are the remaining outlets trying to carry out the fourth estate role.

One media outlet finally admitted to pushing the government’s propaganda.  “‘We Failed’: Danish Newspaper Apologizes For Its COVID Coverage

This is why millions of people have resorted to alternative media. Many of them do have misinformation, but many of them have more accurate and honest information than big media and big tech.

Go to LIAR.COM and

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