Pfizer’s Fraudulent Trial

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla

Participants in Pfizer’s trial were injured.  They were dropped from the trial and their injuries were excluded from the reports.  FDA, NIH and CDC know this, but are not only ignoring this, they and the media are ignoring the thousands of injured.

At the FDA hearing, Brian Dressen, PhD, was one of several scientists who objected the vaccine, explained how his wife was injured and excluded from the trial report.  He said Pfizer’s vaccine “failed any reasonable risk-benefit calculus in connection with children.”  You can listen to him here:

“Your decision is being rushed, based on incomplete data from underpowered trials, insufficient to predict rates of severe and long-lasting adverse reactions. I urge the committee to reject the EUA [Emergency Use Authorization] modification and direct Pfizer to perform trials that will decisively demonstrate that the benefits outweigh the risks for children. I understand firsthand the impact that you will or will not have with the decision you’re going to make today.”

“My wife was severely injured by a single dose of Covid vaccine in a clinical trial here in the United States last November.”

“Because study protocol requires two doses, she was dropped from the trial, and her access to the study app deleted. Her reaction is not described in the recently released clinical trial report — 266 participants are described as having an adverse event leading to discontinuation, with 56 neurological reactions tallied.”

He said he and his wife have since met participants from other vaccination trials — including Pfizer’s trial for 12- to 15-year-olds — who suffered similar reactions and fate.

Dressen said:

“Injured support groups are growing. Memberships number into at least the tens of thousands. We must do better. Those injured in a trial are a critical piece of vaccine safety data. They are being tossed aside and forgotten. The FDA has known first-hand about her case and thousands of others. The FDA has also stated that their own systems are not identifying this issue and that VAERS is not designed to identify any multi-symptom signals. The system is broken.”

Dressen said his family’s lives have changed forever. “The clinical trials are not appropriately evaluating the data,” he said. “The FDA, the CDC and the drug companies continue to deflect the persistent and repeated cries for help and acknowledgment, leaving the injured as collateral damage.”

He added:

“Until we appropriately care for those already injured, acknowledge the full scope of injuries that are happening to adults, please do not give this to kids. You have a very clear responsibility to appropriately assess the risks and benefits to these vaccines. It is obvious that isn’t happening.

“I would not wish this worst nightmare on my worst enemy, let alone a child.

“The suffering of thousands continues to repeatedly fall on deaf ears at the FDA. Each of you hold a significant responsibility today and know that without a doubt, when you approve this for the 5-11-year old’s, you are signing innocent kids and uninformed parents to a fate that will undoubtedly rob some of them of their life.

With Covid, you get recognition and help.  With vaccine injury, you are completely on your own.”

Here is his wife, Brianne Dressen, testifying:

They dropped her from the trial after her injury, but on the report, they said that she chose to drop out.
The Dressens had to re-finance their home to pay for her medical expenses. She said:

“The heads of the NIH, FDA and CDC have known firsthand of my case and thousands of others.”
“I along with several other injured physicians continued to reach out to the FDA through emails, phone calls.  We did video conferencing with Peter Marks (director of CBER at FDA) and Janet Woodcock (head of FDA).  Constant emails with Janet Woodcock and myself directly.  We have begged repeatedly for them to acknowledge these reactions.  They declined.”
“They know about the issues with the trials. They know about the deaths.  They know about the lack of follow up on VAERS.  They know about the injuries to children.”  But they still won’t acknowledge them.
“They know about the suicides as a result of the months long suffering.  They know about the aggressive censorship.  They know about the media censorship.  They know about the scientific censorship.  They know all of it and they have for months.”

Brianne and other injury victims participated in NIH’s research, thinking that the results would be published, but it wasn’t.  NIH no longer takes calls from the injured.
If you get injured, the authorities will not acknowledge it nor help you.

“You are on your own.  The government won’t help you.  The drug companies won’t help you.  The medical teams will have no idea what to do with you.  Financially, you will be on your own.”

Brianne reads a farewell letter from a friend, who was vaccine injured and committed suicide.

So, the authorities have not only been ignoring the science, they have been hiding the science.

Normally, this fraud and scandal (and other news such as number of reports in VAERS, more people dying in Pfizer’s vaccine group than placebo group, etc.) would be huge news.  But today, it’s crickets.

On top of this, a whistleblower said the company “falsified data”.

Despite all of this cheating, Pfizer’s trial results still show that they kill and injure more people than Covid. Read “Scam 2” at 5 Huge Covid Scams.

Go to for other lies.

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