Trudeau Implicated in Biological Weapons Violation

If what David Martin says is even partially true, we have more huge scams and crimes:

According to David Martin:

The work on engineering SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes the COVID-19 illness, and the vaxes for this virus, started in the 1990s and into the 2000s, before the pandemic.  During this time, several patents were filed for the creation of the virus and vax.

British Columbia company Acuitas and Arbutus created the lipid nanoparticles that is used to deliver the mRNA in the Covid vaxes.  

In spring of 2020, Trudeau told Canada that we will go back to a new normal when there is a vaccine.  But he didn’t tell the public that there was a financial interest in that selected pathway forward.

In 2016, Acuitas and Arbutus fought over licensing rights with litigation battles.

By March 2019, Pfizer, Arbutus, Moderna and BioNTech were working on a vax for a respiratory pathogen.  Evidence for this is in their amended patent filings.

By September 2019, the Canadian government was well aware of agreements with Pfizer and Moderna that Canada’s lipid nanoparticle technology was a frontline contender for a respiratory pathogen simulation and the Canadian government participated in an exercise to determine if the world was ready for a respiratory pathogen pandemic.

Trudeau’s statement biased the consumer against other treatments into a single pathway out of the pandemic and the only way forward is with the vax.  This means he is racketeering.  David Martin explained clearly why this is racketeering (collusion) at 21:00 in video.

Trudeau has not only violated Canadian law, but also participated in a bioweapon treaty violation.

The vax is not a vaccine.  FDA referred to it as a “gene therapy”.  The drug companies want to call it a vaccine to get immunity from liability.

Other crimes include at least reckless homicide, if not wilful murder.

Update on 2022-02-14:

Go to and for more lies.

3 thoughts on “Trudeau Implicated in Biological Weapons Violation

  1. Thank you for this video. Thank you for having these great people speaking out for humanity.I’m spreading this where ever I can.


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