Emergencies Act Scam

Prime Minister Trudeau has scammed Canadians for six years. He is the only proven racist and misogynist, by wearing blackface too many times to count, groping a woman and stopping his female Attorney General from prosecuting SNC-Lavalin for using a prostitute to bribe.

Trudeau claimed that his opposition in the parliament and the trucker convoy stand with the swastika. Firstly, his opposition was a Jewish MP. Secondly, the guy at the protest with the swastika was likely a Trudeau supporter scamming us. Tamara Lich said repeatedly since January that the convoy is about love and that they will be peaceful and report any participant, who incites violence or hate, to the police (at 4:00 in video).

It is Trudeau who stands with Nazis. The following video has a photo of him doing so:


The vax does not stop spread or hospitalization. See Scam 1 in the following article for overwhelming evidence since July 2021 from multiple countries and Ontario.

Triple-vaxed Trudeau got Covid, proving that the mandate is useless.

He did not meet the truckers because he would lose the science debate.

If Trudeau followed the science and ended the mandate, the truckers would have left. Instead, he lied and made matters worse.


Trudeau was hoping that it was “fringe minority”. But as the convoy grew in popularity and inspired convoys around the world, it was getting embarrassing for him. The Freedom Convoy raised $10 million, compared to Liberals’ $3.7 million and the Conservatives’ $3 million in the last quarter of 2021. Trudeau had to save face. So, he invoked the Emergencies Act (EA) because it was the only way he could silence the truckers. To do so, he had to lie and scam again.

According to law professor Ryan Alford, Trudeau lied about conditions in order to declare an emergency, broke the law by violating the constitution and has “banana republic dictator behaviour”.

According to law professor Bruce Pardy, nothing justified the EA. Trudeau equated honking to violence.

According to Joanna Baron, Executive Director of the Canadian Constitution Foundation, the threshold required for the EA was not met.

It had nothing to do with security. Trudeau ignored protests that were actually violent, which involved the torching and vandalizing of dozens of churches, and the killing of 33 people and injuring of 2,000 cops. See:

Trudeau invoked the EA to eliminate political opponents and dissidents, who disagreed with his anti-science.

The truckers protest had no violence until Trudeau sent his Stasi police to trample on, beat up and imprison Canadians who did not want to submit to his authoritarian policies. See the violence in “Live From Ottawa” video in above article.


  • Cristian Terhes, EU MP, said “Justin Trudeau and his federal government must be isolated by the democratic international community to show revulsion at his tyrannical actions in Canada against peaceful protesters, who have been trampled under horse hoof as children have been batoned by federal security agents”

  • Iran, yes Iran, accused Canada of human rights violations.

  • Wall Street Journal: “Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Tyranny”

  • The world falls out of love with ‘illiberal’ ‘dystopia’ Canada

    “U.S. venture capitalist David Sacks…warned that Canada’s “dystopian” usage of the EA…“It’s a Western version of China’s social credit system that does not altogether prohibit political dissent but makes it…impractical”

    Rolling Stone: “Canada was on the fast track to “bureaucratic dystopia” and “when boring people turn dangerous” referring to Chrystia Freeland.

    “Telegraph…denounced the “monstrously illiberal” behaviour of…Trudeau as an “insecure authoritarian.” “Imagine the uproar if, back in 2020, President Trump had frozen bank accounts belonging to key figures in the Black Lives Matter movement”

    New York Times: “By the standards of mass protests around the world, the ‘Freedom Convoy’ snarling Downtown Ottawa ranks as a nuisance”

Indian media refers to Trudeau as “self-righteous” and “hypocrite” in above video.
Ambassadors are supposed to be diplomatic. This Indian Ambassador calls Trudeau a “traitor” in above video.
Irish Senator chastises “authoritarian” Trudeau in above video.
American leftist Jimmy Dore mocked “authoritarian” Trudeau in above video.

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