Scamming the World to Attack Political Opponents

In February 2022, the CBC reported that donors to the Trucker Convoy came from Russia, U.S., UK, Australia, France, Germany, New Zealand and the Netherlands.

MP Brock states that the Trudeau government relied on this story and shared their concern with Canadians regarding terrorism funding and money laundering, and that Deputy Prime Chrystia Freeland expressed concerns several times in the house of commons about terrorism funding and money laundering. Freeland could have denied this, but did not.

In March 2022, the CBC, without any explanation or apology retracted their February 2022 story. Brock asked Freeland if she was aware of these reports. Brock stated that the Deputy Director of FINTRAC, Mr. Barry MacKillop, confirmed that the convoy funding did not come from terrorism funding or money laundering and the typical person who donated hundreds and thousands of dollars to the convoy used their own resources and posed no security threat. Brock asked Freeland if she accepts that. She refused to answer his question.

From that, we cannot help but deduce that the Trudeau government, with the aid of their propaganda arm, the CBC, scammed Canadians again, in order to viciously and immorally attack and suppress their political opponents, the truckers convoy and their supporters. This is only the latest of many scams from Trudeau. Here are other scams from Trudeau: Emergencies Act Scam

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