Anti-Science Trudeau Continues Persecuting the Unvaxed with Quarantines

Justin Trudeau arrives in Costa Rica with no mask and no shame.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, Trudeau followed little to no science.

Jordan Peterson: Government Adviser Told Me COVID Rules Based On Opinion Polls, Not Science

Trudeau and his lapdog media were the biggest liars and spreaders of hate that the country has ever seen. He and the media got the majority of the country, who were vaxed, to hate the unvaxed. Trudeau lied and referred to the unvaxed as “misogynist”, “racist”, who “take up space”, “holding unacceptable views” and should not be “tolerated”.

The media, especially the CBC, were obsessed with the vax and pushed it incessantly onto Canadians. CBC censored commenters who questioned the vax, let alone post negative facts and data sourced from government sources, such as the CDC or Ontario government. If users posted those, CBC banned their accounts. At the same time, they vilified the unvaxed for not getting the most dangerous vax in history according to CDC’s data (see 5 Huge Covid Scams).

Consequently, in the autumn of 2021, Trudeau banned the unvaxed to get on planes and trains. This is despite the fact that we have known since July 2021, only a few months after the roll out of the vax and before millions of people got their second shot, that the vax does not stop the spread and that the viral load in the vaxed and unvaxed are similar (see 5 Huge Covid Scams).

By June 2022, Trudeau still had this ban despite that most countries in the world had relaxed restrictions. We can only come up with one reason: he was either vindictive against the truckers who brought embarrassing negative worldwide attention to him, or he didn’t want to concede to the truckers in fear of losing more face. Trudeau finally ended this ban at the end of June 2022 due to political and public pressure.

However, he still kept the requirement for the unvaxed, and only the unvaxed, to quarantine upon return to Canada. This is despite the fact that he himself, who is triple-vaxed, got Covid not once, but twice. In addition, his transport minister Omar Alghabra, who is probably triple or quadruple vaxed, got Covid. Many, many vaxed people got Covid. In fact, you probably have multiple fully-vaxed friends and family who got Covid. Moreover, the Ontario government’s website showed data for much of 2022 that the triple-vaxed are twice as likely to get Covid as the not fully vaxed:

Case rates by vaccination status and age group
In the table, click on “_id” twice so that you see _id = 1105
agegroup = ALL
cases_notfull_vac_rate_per100K = 3.29
cases_boost_vac_rate_per100K = 6.54

Hospitalizations by vaccination status
For _id 325:
icu_unvac = 9 or 19%
icu_partial_vac = 1
icu_full_vac = 37 or 79%

According to Government of Canada, 82% of Ontarians are double-vaxed.  Therefore, the vax’s prevention of hospitalization is statistically insignificant.

Not only is the anti-science continuing, but the political persecution and oppression of the unvaxed is continuing. When abroad, the unvaxed needs to spend money and time to get tests before flying to Canada, go into quarantine for 14 days and get PCR tests on day 1 and day 8 after arrival.  This is not required of the vaxed. The 14 day quarantine is not only very expensive in terms of lost days of work, but prohibitive because most people cannot take more than 14 days off of work in order to take a vacation or business trip. Therefore, most of the unvaxed cannot take vacations.

Trudeau, who got Covid twice, took his family recently on vacation to Costa Rica. (When Trudeau got Covid the first time, he alluded that he got Covid from his child, possibly to avoid talking to the truckers who were in Ottawa at the time.) Upon returning to Canada from Costa Rica, they did not go into quarantine.

The level of anti-science and lies is staggering.

Scamming the World to Attack Political Opponents

In February 2022, the CBC reported that donors to the Trucker Convoy came from Russia, U.S., UK, Australia, France, Germany, New Zealand and the Netherlands.

MP Brock states that the Trudeau government relied on this story and shared their concern with Canadians regarding terrorism funding and money laundering, and that Deputy Prime Chrystia Freeland expressed concerns several times in the house of commons about terrorism funding and money laundering. Freeland could have denied this, but did not.

In March 2022, the CBC, without any explanation or apology retracted their February 2022 story. Brock asked Freeland if she was aware of these reports. Brock stated that the Deputy Director of FINTRAC, Mr. Barry MacKillop, confirmed that the convoy funding did not come from terrorism funding or money laundering and the typical person who donated hundreds and thousands of dollars to the convoy used their own resources and posed no security threat. Brock asked Freeland if she accepts that. She refused to answer his question.

From that, we cannot help but deduce that the Trudeau government, with the aid of their propaganda arm, the CBC, scammed Canadians again, in order to viciously and immorally attack and suppress their political opponents, the truckers convoy and their supporters. This is only the latest of many scams from Trudeau. Here are other scams from Trudeau: Emergencies Act Scam

Is Klaus Schwab the Most Dangerous Man in the World?

Schwab wrote:  “One of the greatest lessons of the past five centuries in Europe and America is this:  acute crisis contribute to boosting the power of the state. It’s always been the case, and there is no reason why it should be different with the Covid-19 pandemic.”

Schwab authored the book “COVID-19 The Great Reset”.

What makes Schwab so dangerous is his advisor. The scariest part in the video is Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF) advisor, Dr. Yuval Harari, explaining how to build “dictatorship”, help “tyrants”, end “free will” and do something that the Gestapo and KGB wanted to do but could not:

“Data might enable human elites to something more radical than just build digital dictatorships. By hacking organisms, elites may gain the power to re-engineer the future of life itself. Because once you can hack something, you can usually also engineer it.”

“Now in the past, many tyrants and governments wanted to do it, but nobody understood biology well enough and nobody had enough computing power and data to hack millions of people. Neither the Gestapo nor the KGB could do it.  But soon, at least some corporations and governments will be able to systemically hack all the people.”

“And if we succeed in hacking and engineering life, this will be not just the greatest revolution in the history of humanity, this will be the greatest revolution in biology since the very beginning of life 4 billion years ago. For 4 billion years, nothing fundamental changed.  Science is replacing evolution by natural selection, with evolution by intelligent design. Not intelligent design by some God above the clouds, but our intelligent design and the intelligent design of our clouds, the IBM cloud, the Microsoft cloud. These are the new driving forces of evolution.”

“Today, we have the technology to hack human beings on a massive scale.  In this time of crisis, you have to follow science. It’s often said that you should never allow a good crisis go to waste.”

“People can look back a hundred years and identify the coronavirus epidemic as the moment when a new regime of surveillance took over, especially surveillance under the skin.”

“My brain, my body, my life doesn’t belong to me or to some corporation or to the government or perhaps the human collective.”

“Humans are now hackable animals. The whole idea that humans have this soul or spirit, and they have free will and nobody knows what’s happening inside me, so whatever I choose, whether in the election or whether in the supermarket, this is my free will. That’s over.”

Yes, WEF’s advisor talked about how to build “dictatorship”, help “tyrants”, end “free will” and do something that the Gestapo and KGB wanted to do but could not. Watch the video. Is this taken out of context? If so, how?

What could go wrong with hacking or re-engineering human biology? Let’s see. Scientists did gain-of-function research and created a virus that caused the Covid pandemic.

Here are some of the Canadian politicians who graduated from WEF’s Young Global Leaders program:

Justin Trudeau

Jagmeet Singh

Chrystia Freeland

Jean Charest

Are they dictator-wanna-be’s or tyrant-wanna-be’s? Trudeau fits in perfectly. He said himself that he admires dictatorships. See The Vax – Digital ID Scam.

Maybe that’s why both Trudeau and Singh are obsessed with a vax that does not work. Maybe that’s why Singh bailed Trudeau out of every vote of non-confidence, voted for Trudeau’s tyrannical Emergencies Act and then partnered with the Liberals to keep Trudeau in power until 2025.

The Vax – Digital ID Scam

What they really care about is the Digital ID, not the vax.

The truckers were very insightful and ahead of most people in the Western world. They knew it is about the Digital ID and not about the vax. Meanwhile, people like me were banging my head against the wall, complaining about Trudeau’s anti-science policies, such as requiring you to get vaxed in order to get on a plane, which made no sense since he proved that the vax does not work. It makes no sense if you follow the science.  It makes sense if you follow the politics.

Trudeau and his allied, dishonest media scammed you into thinking the truckers protest was about the vax. The truckers were really protesting the Digital ID. 90% of truckers were vaxed. The following video, posted on January 26, 2022, is of Tamara Lich, the lead organizer. At 13:30, she explains that this is not about Covid or whether you are vaxed or not, and that this is about freedom and about our children living in a free country.

BJ Dichter is a trucker and was one of the spokespeople of the Convoy. He is fully vaxed. He explained to Fox News that Trudeau is taking Canada into dark, authoritarian control and they want to get rid of the digital passport, not because they do not want to be vaxed, but because they do not want to be digitally tracked:

If we get Digital IDs, this will give the government more power to control us and punish and oppress political opponents, dissidents and protestors, much like what Trudeau did when he froze truckers’ and their donors’ bank accounts.

Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum (WEF) want to control the world through his one world government.  On the following video, he bragged about putting Merkel, Trudeau, Macron and Argentina’s president through his Young Global Leaders school.  He bragged about “penetrating” over 50% of our government “cabinets”. 

His motto is “Build Back Better”.  He wrote “The Great Reset” which talks about fusing humans with technology.  On the following video, you can see a dozen world leaders, including Trudeau, Biden, Hillary, Pelosi, Tony Blair, Bill Clinton, Boris Johnson, Elizabeth Warren, Obama, Bill Gates, Kamala Harris, Prince Phillip, Prince Harry, Sadiq Khan and Jacinda Ardern say “Build Back Better” and “Reset”. 

Schwab wants everyone to have a Digital ID.  On the following video, the Canadian Bankers Association promotes the Digital ID and the WEF. 

“Canada’s banks are perfectly situated to help lead the creation of a federated digital ID system between government and the private sector. The World Economic Forum agrees…”

The Digital ID will be used in conjunction with all commercial transactions.

Most people do not know that we are being governed by the un-elected WEF, which no Canadian voted for.

So, Trudeau wants to implement Schwab’s policies. The vax passport is a step towards the Digital ID.  Setting up the infrastructure for the vax passport helps set up the infrastructure for the Digital ID. Getting people used to a vax a passport will ease people into the Digital ID. With a Digital ID rolled out in conjunction with the banks, this gives the government the power to freeze your bank account or prevent you from spending on certain things that they do not want you to.

On the following video a few years ago, somebody asked Trudeau which country he admires the most.  He said China because of its “dictatorship”, which allows them to get things done quickly, which means he will not get slowed down by political opponents, dissidents or protestors.

Therefore, it now makes sense that he invoked the Emergencies Act, which gave him dictatorial power against political opponents and dissidents.  When Trudeau froze bank accounts, this is a prelude to what he wants to be able to do with the Digital ID.  The Digital ID will enable him to punish people in many different ways.  So, if you protest or oppose his policy, maybe he will prevent you from buying gasoline for your car or prevent you from buying a plane ticket.  If he senses that you are conservative, he can dishonestly claim that you are getting too much misinformation from the internet and prevent you from paying for your internet for a few months.

Joe Rogan’s guest in the following videos elaborates on the extra power that the government will get, the loss of freedom for citizens and the move towards “authoritarianism”:

In the following video, leftists Jimmy Dore and Max Blumenthal, elaborate on the Digital ID:

This Digital ID is potentially a serious threat to democracy. The majority of people need to become aware of this and resist this, otherwise, we could have something similar to China’s Social Credit system. The following video interviews people in China to get their opinion. Some like it. So it can provide benefits to society by improving people’s behavior. But a journalist wrote about corruption in the government. Consequently, he was blacklisted. He could not buy a train ticket and was banned from travelling. He was branded as “untrustworthy” by the state. He could not get a bank loan, start a business, buy a home or send his children to a private school. Some call the system a “digital dictatorship” and he says he is deprived of freedoms and will live with restrictions of one kind or another.

The social credit system benefits the government mainly. When the government did some wrong, or questionable, nobody is brave enough to complain and consequently the government will never be punished. On the citizens’ side, whenever any citizen did anything wrong, the citizen is punished. That is, the government remains innocent forever.

So, when the truckers were protesting for freedom, they were not exaggerating. It is about freedom, not the vax. All Canadians, regardless if they are vaxed or not, need to be aware of this. If they are aware, then they might resist. If they are unaware, then will WEF be able to implement the Digital ID and will all people, including the vaxed, lose freedom? We do not know right now.

Here is what American leftist Jimmy Dore thinks of the Digital ID:

Here are more thoughts and information about the Digital ID:

Emergencies Act Scam

Prime Minister Trudeau has scammed Canadians for six years. He is the only proven racist and misogynist, by wearing blackface too many times to count, groping a woman and stopping his female Attorney General from prosecuting SNC-Lavalin for using a prostitute to bribe.

Trudeau claimed that his opposition in the parliament and the trucker convoy stand with the swastika. Firstly, his opposition was a Jewish MP. Secondly, the guy at the protest with the swastika was likely a Trudeau supporter scamming us. Tamara Lich said repeatedly since January that the convoy is about love and that they will be peaceful and report any participant, who incites violence or hate, to the police (at 4:00 in video).

It is Trudeau who stands with Nazis. The following video has a photo of him doing so:


The vax does not stop spread or hospitalization. See Scam 1 in the following article for overwhelming evidence since July 2021 from multiple countries and Ontario.

Triple-vaxed Trudeau got Covid, proving that the mandate is useless.

He did not meet the truckers because he would lose the science debate.

If Trudeau followed the science and ended the mandate, the truckers would have left. Instead, he lied and made matters worse.


Trudeau was hoping that it was “fringe minority”. But as the convoy grew in popularity and inspired convoys around the world, it was getting embarrassing for him. The Freedom Convoy raised $10 million, compared to Liberals’ $3.7 million and the Conservatives’ $3 million in the last quarter of 2021. Trudeau had to save face. So, he invoked the Emergencies Act (EA) because it was the only way he could silence the truckers. To do so, he had to lie and scam again.

According to law professor Ryan Alford, Trudeau lied about conditions in order to declare an emergency, broke the law by violating the constitution and has “banana republic dictator behaviour”.

According to law professor Bruce Pardy, nothing justified the EA. Trudeau equated honking to violence.

According to Joanna Baron, Executive Director of the Canadian Constitution Foundation, the threshold required for the EA was not met.

It had nothing to do with security. Trudeau ignored protests that were actually violent, which involved the torching and vandalizing of dozens of churches, and the killing of 33 people and injuring of 2,000 cops. See:

Trudeau invoked the EA to eliminate political opponents and dissidents, who disagreed with his anti-science.

The truckers protest had no violence until Trudeau sent his Stasi police to trample on, beat up and imprison Canadians who did not want to submit to his authoritarian policies. See the violence in “Live From Ottawa” video in above article.


  • Cristian Terhes, EU MP, said “Justin Trudeau and his federal government must be isolated by the democratic international community to show revulsion at his tyrannical actions in Canada against peaceful protesters, who have been trampled under horse hoof as children have been batoned by federal security agents”

  • Iran, yes Iran, accused Canada of human rights violations.

  • Wall Street Journal: “Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Tyranny”

  • The world falls out of love with ‘illiberal’ ‘dystopia’ Canada

    “U.S. venture capitalist David Sacks…warned that Canada’s “dystopian” usage of the EA…“It’s a Western version of China’s social credit system that does not altogether prohibit political dissent but makes it…impractical”

    Rolling Stone: “Canada was on the fast track to “bureaucratic dystopia” and “when boring people turn dangerous” referring to Chrystia Freeland.

    “Telegraph…denounced the “monstrously illiberal” behaviour of…Trudeau as an “insecure authoritarian.” “Imagine the uproar if, back in 2020, President Trump had frozen bank accounts belonging to key figures in the Black Lives Matter movement”

    New York Times: “By the standards of mass protests around the world, the ‘Freedom Convoy’ snarling Downtown Ottawa ranks as a nuisance”

Indian media refers to Trudeau as “self-righteous” and “hypocrite” in above video.
Ambassadors are supposed to be diplomatic. This Indian Ambassador calls Trudeau a “traitor” in above video.
Irish Senator chastises “authoritarian” Trudeau in above video.
American leftist Jimmy Dore mocked “authoritarian” Trudeau in above video.

How To Remove Truckers

It would have been easy to end the truckers’ protest.  Follow the science.

It has been known since July 2021 that the vax does not stop the spread. Even CDC said so at the time. In August 2021, 65% of the hospitalized in Israel were fully vaxed. In September, 70% of Covid deaths in Sweden and UK were fully vaxed.  In November, 78% of Covid deaths in UK were fully vaxed. In December, 79% of Omicron cases were vaxed. In January 2022, 1,353 of the hospitalized Covid patients in Ontario were fully vaxed, versus 457 unvaxed. (For source links to this data, see Scam 1 at 5 Huge Covid Scams.)

Triple-vaxed Trudeau got Covid, proving that the vax, mandate and passport are essentially useless.

If Trudeau followed the science and ended the mandate, he could have convinced the protestors to leave a long time ago.

Claiming that there is a threat of violence to justify the Emergencies Act is a lie. In 2021, dozens of churches were torched or vandalized. PM Trudeau did not invoke EA. (Not a single body has been found from the “mass graves”.)

BLM’s five months of riots in the U.S. got 33 people killed, injured 2,000 cops, beat up dozens of store owners, looted hundreds of stores, burned or destroyed hundreds of businesses, many of which were owned by minorities.  (For source links to this data, please see GoFundMe’s Lie)  

No worries from Trudeau about emergencies. He talked to them and took a knee.

But he will not talk to truckers, who are mainly on a small section of Wellington street where MPs safely walk through every day during lunch break, as you can see in the video below. He will not talk to them because he knows that he cannot win the science debate.

Watch several MPs walk safely through the truckers’ protest during lunch break in the above video.
This Indian news anchor refers to Trudeau as “self-righteous” and “hypocrite” for lecturing India to talk to protestors. See above video.
Ambassadors are supposed to be diplomatic. This Indian Ambassador refers to Trudeau as a “traitor”. Watch the above video.

Even if Trudeau inexplicably refuses to follow the science, there are existing laws that can be used to remove the trucks. It has been illegal for approximately 100 years to leave a vehicle parked in the middle of the road. Instead of relying on Ottawa to enforce their municipal laws, Trudeau took matters into his own hand. After a few days of border blockades, Trudeau lied about the justification for the Emergencies Act in order to go after Canadian voters who disagree with him, not just the truckers.

Trudeau and Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland justified the Emergencies Act by claiming that they need to open the borders to protect trade, the economy and jobs. However, in the past two years, they had no problem with closing the border for many months. They had no problem with destroying the economy and millions of jobs, businesses and livelihoods. They had no problem coercing millions of people who already had Covid and therefore had better protection than the vaxed (see Scam 4 at 5 Huge Covid Scams), to take the vax, prompting many of them to lose their jobs for refusing to.

There is no federal law that bans protestors. In fact, federal law protects protestors. Municipal laws were broken. It was up to the Ottawa municipality to remove the trucks. If Ottawa refuses to or is incapable, then the fault and blame lies with Ottawa. If Ottawa does not have enough police power, they could draw on the province for help, such as the OPP (Ontario Provincial Police) or other cities. For Trudeau to get involved, it was an obvious over-reach and an attempt to squash dissidents. Squashing dissidents is the first step towards totalitarianism.

The Emergencies Act is a dangerous precedent. Liberals do not stay in power forever. They take turns with the Conservatives. When the Conservatives get into power, will they use the Emergencies Act to jail Liberal voters and freeze their bank accounts?

According Queens University law professor Bruce Pardy, there is nothing that meets the requirements to invoke the Emergencies Act.  He said the Trudeau government is claiming that the honking is violent and therefore justifies the Act:

Here is a document that outlines the conditions needed to invoke the Emergencies Act.

There was no violence until Trudeau’s Emergencies Act.  Now, Trudeau’s police state have committed violence against Canadian voters who disagree with Trudeau’s anti-science. Horses trampled on two protestors. One was an elderly native woman with a walker.

Elderly woman trampled by mounted police at freedom protest in Ottawa

People around the world are chastising Trudeau.

Some are correct to say that the elderly woman with the walker should not have been there. But the cops were wrong nevertheless.

The cops standing in formation should have told their horseback cops that there is an elderly woman there and that they should not ram through. If the cops need to clear out people and some of those people are elderly, then the cops should use appropriate force. A single cop could have easily arrested the woman peacefully and taken her away.

There was no need to have riot police there. Before announcing the Emergencies Act, there were very few trucks and people on Wellington Street. There were only approximately 15-20 trucks. They could have removed one or two trucks per day, over several days. The need to have so many cops take on the people is questionable. There would not have been an increase of people if Trudeau did not invoke the Emergencies Act.

On any day before, truckers were walking around on their own and chatting with each other on the sidewalks. The cops with a tow truck could have taken away one or two truckers and trucks at a time.

In above video, organizer Tom Marazzo said:
The government ignored his repeated invitations to discuss. The media lies about the protestors. The only law broken was parking infractions. Judge McLean ruled that they had a right to be there for a peaceful protest. They worked with the police to make sure that there was a lane open to emergency vehicles. Trucks did not block any intersection. Police with concrete barriers blocked intersections. This can be verified from videos.

In above video at 4:29:29, cop hits reporter over the head with baton and shoots a tear-gas canister point-blank at her thigh. At 4:44:30, cop is hitting protestor on the ground with his knee. At 4:53:02, cop strikes protestor on the ground with rifle.

Interim Police Chief Bell speaks at 4:36:00 in above video. He said: “at every step, they faced a barrage of resistance, shoving and vitriol” They might have faced resistance at every step, but shoving and vitriol is a lie. Watch the videos.

Bell said “the protestors were aggressive with the officers and we had to use horses” That is a lie. The protestors did not want to leave and stood their ground. That is different than aggressing towards the cops.

Bell said “we added helmets and baton for the safety of the officers” That is a lie. No protestors were assaulting the cops. In fact, it was the opposite. Cops were beating a protestor with a rifle while he was lying on the ground. A cop was repeatedly hitting a protestor with his knee while the protestor was on the ground. They smashed Rebel News reporter Alexa Lavoie over the head with a weapon (baton) and shot a tear-gas canister point-blank on her leg, as she and other protestors were retreating. This is all in the above video.

CTV reporter asked Bell: “when will Ottawa citizens have their streets back?”
This is a lie. Since he is in Ottawa, he should know that essentially every street in Ottawa is empty or quiet with the exception of a section of Wellington Street and a bit of a few side streets. Try to imagine trucks taking up one block of Front Street in Toronto. 99.9999% of Torontonians wouldn’t have lost their streets. That does not justify the Emergencies Act.

There is more bad press for the cops:

“RCMP currently in Ottawa to assist in the crackdown on peaceful protesters allegedly brag about using brutal force in a leaked group chat.” Click on above photo to see article.

The cops are victims of Trudeau as well. Trudeau could have ended the protest right from the get-go, if he followed the science. Now, the cops are helping anti-science prevail and helping Trudeau become a bigger lying authoritarian than anyone could have imagined.

By not ending the protest at the beginning, which he could have easily done, there are now many more protests across Canadian cities and around the world inspired by Canadian truckers.


Below is an excellent documentary called The Time Is Now, featuring Dr. Ben Tapper. It is very well done and has disturbing information. I do not know if everything in the video is verified or correct, but it does have reputable people in it, such as Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Lee Merritt, Dr. Robert Malone and other doctors and nurses. They provide information from the other side of the debate, which should be heard, not silenced. You should hear both sides and determine for yourself who is right.

If even part of the video is correct, then malfeasance and likely manslaughter was committed and somebody should go to jail. The documentary provides several stories, one of which is about a nurse whistleblower who reveals that many thousands of people were neglected in the hospital, untreated and died needlessly in April 2020 and onward. It also provides additional evidence to corroborate Scam 2 (vax safety) and Scam 5 (early treatments) described in the following:

The video provides additional evidence to corroborate the vaccine injury videos shown in the following:

The video provides additional evidence to corroborate the following about censorship:

You can get more information about this documentary by going to The Time is Now website.

The following video provides evidence to corroborate Scam 1 (vax effectiveness). It shows the January 2022 case numbers, broken out by vax status, for four Canadian provinces:

How They Silenced Critics

During this pandemic, an amazing phenomenon happened, much like what happened in 2001-2003 in the lead up to the Iraq war. Critics were silenced.

Rebel News, Toronto Sun and The National Post criticized the management of the pandemic. Their coverage are much less dishonest than the coverage from CBC, CTV, The Star and Globe and Mail, but they still do not tell the full truth.  They still do not talk about the following:

Any one of the above are hugely significant news.  Under normal, honest times, the media would be covering them around the clock for weeks.

The problem is that the majority of the western world has been pushed into group think, which is that the vax is the best and only way out of the pandemic and if you say otherwise, you are smeared as an anti-vaxer, anti-science or conspiracy theorist.

The label of “anti-vaxer” has been the most effective in silencing critics. If you ever see a video of someone criticizing the Covid vax, they will usually start off by saying “I’m not an anti-vaxer” to avoid that stigmatic label.  Nobody wants to be labeled as an “anti-vaxer”, just like nobody wants to be labeled a “racist”, even though they are lies to silence the critics.  That’s why Trudeau lies so much to call his critics/opponents as “racists” and “misogynists” with no evidence.

The same phenomenon happened in 2001-2003, when most Americans were pushed into group think.  If anyone criticized the Iraq invasion, they were smeared and silenced by calling them “unpatriotic”.  Even Bush’s staunch opponents, the Democrats like Hillary and Biden, voted in favour of the invasion.

Here is why it is dishonest to label someone as “anti-vaxer”.  The Ford Pinto can explode upon rear-end collisions.  If I criticize the Pinto, I am anti-car using their logic.  Hillary is one of the most dishonest and corrupt politicians in history.  If I criticize Hillary, I am anti-women using their logic.  Their logic requires the use of stereotyping and generalization, which we have been taught all of our lives to not do.  They are claiming that a critique of the Pinto is a critique of all cars.  A critique of Hillary is a critique of all women.  A critique of the Covid vax is a critique of all vaccines.

Their logic is obviously flawed and dishonest.  But it has been amazing to watch how effective their strategy has been to silence critics.

I suspect many of the opposition politicians and smaller, critical media outlets are afraid of criticizing the vax, for fear of being labelled.

Their methods of silencing have not been limited to smearing critics as “anti-vaxers”.  The dishonest big tech have blatantly censored or banned critics from social media.  The dishonest big media does not interview any of the dozens and dozens of doctors who criticize the Covid vaxes. CBC censored and banned critics from commenting on their website.

In the 2001-2003, the dishonest pro-Iraq invasion politicians and media were able to silence the honest critics.  Similarly in 2021, the dishonest pro-Covid vaxers were able to silence the honest critics.  Yes, George Bush was a war monger and war criminal, who broke international laws and should be in jail.  Similarly, the dishonest Covid vax pushers, who pushed the vax or coerced people into getting the vax without telling them the many serious side effects, one of which is death, broke laws and should be in jail.

Negative Value from Our Leaders

If we got ZERO value from our leaders and health officials for our tax dollars, we would be better off. Instead, we got NEGATIVE value.  We are WORSE off now than if they did absolutely nothing — much worse.

At the beginning of 2021, our health officials told us that after getting vaxed, we can take off the mask, stop social distancing and go back to normal, because we will not get infected.

Watch the following video to see them say so…and then flip flop. Canadian officials parroted these U.S. officials. The difference is that the Canadian officials have not flip flopped, have not admitted that the vax does not stop the spread and have stuck to their lies and gaslighting.

The above video was compiled and created by November 18, 2021.
Dr. Anthony Fauci saying that with 50% of adults vaxed, there will be no more surges in cases.

After spending billions of our dollars on vaxes to make Pfizer unbelievably rich, the vaxed, after a few months, have little to no protection from infection, transmission or even hospitalization and death (see Scam 1 for overwhelming evidence).

The vax-obsessed experts told us that if 70% of the population is vaxed, we will get herd immunity.  Most western countries have surpassed 70%.  What happened?  Where is the herd immunity?  Instead of reducing daily cases and deaths by 70%, they went to an all-time high.

On top of the all-time-high daily Covid cases and deaths, we have between 22,000 to one million deaths and countless injuries as a result of the vax rollout (see Scam 2 for details). According to Pfizer’s and Moderna’s data, they kill and injure more people than Covid (see Scam 2 for details). By vaxing, we are hurting more people than we are helping, based on Pfizer’s and Moderna’s own data. Take some time to let that sink in.

So, our leaders’ tunnel-vision focus on vaxes did not dent Covid, but their vaxes killed and injured countless people. See videos of the injured. Many of our leaders and health officials should be arrested and charged with manslaughter.

On top of the above, their lockdowns have caused immeasurable damage and suffering. We have suicides, drug overdoses, stress, divorces, family break ups, improper education for children, increased poverty, loss of millions of jobs/livelihoods/businesses and trillions of dollars spent that will have to be paid back by taxpayers and future generations.

Dr. Paul Alexander, a top Canadian epidemiologist, worked for the U.S. Covid Task Force in 2020. He said that they got reports of parents bringing their beaten up or dead children to the hospital. The parents did this to their children due to the stress from loss of income. Many poor children got their meals from schools and when the schools were shut down, children went for days or weeks without eating. Alexander and others insisted on lifting the lockdowns, but got overruled by health officials.

Personally, I know more people killed and injured from the vax than from Covid. I know more people who died (from suicide partly thanks to Covid restrictions) and suffered (from income or education loss) than people who suffered from Covid.

The above mother lost two sons to overdoses, prompted by work loss due to Covid shutdowns.

The mother in the above video makes a lot of sense. For parents, her story should be heart breaking. One of the many things she said, was that the government takes a ton of our money but provides no cures. This has been abundantly clear during this pandemic. Not only did our government fail to provide a cure, they suppressed the multitude of cures that were available since the beginning of the pandemic. See Scam 5. Millions of people died needlessly. Many of our leaders and health officials should be arrested and charged with manslaughter.

If we got ZERO value from our leaders and health officials for our tax dollars, we would be better off. Instead, we got NEGATIVE value.  We are WORSE off now than if they did absolutely nothing — much worse.

Every single person in Health Canada, NIH, CDC, FDA and especially NIAID should be fired.

But the problem, like a PPC candidate in 2021 told me, is that none of the government employees in Ottawa ever get fired, no matter how incompetent they are.  On top of that, they get million-dollar DBPP (Defined Benefit Pension Plans) that almost no Canadian employer in the private sector can afford to give to its employees, because private Canadian employers cannot steal from children through deficits. That’s right. You trucker, you plumber, you construction worker, you restaurant owner, you chef, you server, you pay for these lucrative DBPPs even though you do not even have the poor-man’s version of the DBPP, which is the DCPP (Defined Contribution Pension Plan).

You have been paying top dollar from your hard work, to these government employees, to make your life much, much worse off.

Millions of Canadians suffered and lost lives, income or livelihoods, thanks to the anti-science policies from the idiots in Ottawa (and provincial capitals).  Meanwhile, none of the idiots in Ottawa missed a pay check. I refer to them as idiots, but they may not be. They may be smart, but corrupt instead.

If you live in Ottawa and your Ottawa neighbours complain about the truckers, ask them if they work for Health Canada.  If they do, tell them that you know a taxpayer who wants them to shut up, stop soaking taxpayers, leave their overpaid jobs and get out of Ottawa.

Trudeau may be right about the “hate” from the protestors. There should be a lot of hate towards Trudeau, other government leaders and health officials.

Now, our vax-obsessed leaders, such as Trudeau and Doug Ford, are complaining about the truckers’ disruption to trade and the economy, after the Windsor bridge was blocked for two days. Where was their concern about the economy for the past two years? Trudeau blocked the border for months. They had no problems with shutting down millions of businesses and jobs. They had no problems with preventing the unvaxed, who were a quarter of the population at the time, from working, eating at restaurants and travelling, which contribute to the economy, and it was already known at the time that the vax does not stop the spread. There is no end to their hypocrisy, dishonesty and incompetence. They want to levy $100,000 fines on the protestors for doing something that they themselves did for much of the past two years. There is a word to describe these hypocrites and it is an offensive word.

Trudeau Ignores Not Only the Truckers

He ignores the thousands of people who got killed or injured by the vax.

Click to see her video

Tens of thousands have suffered severe side effects.  Brianne Dressen’s experience is not even the worse.  People have been paralyzed, permanently disabled, had legs amputated due to blood clots or have died.

Here is Dr. John Campbell interviewing Kyle Warner, an athlete, who got pericarditis:

Kyle explains that the injured are being ignored and denied.

“Neuro disease after vaccine with Nikk”

Here is Maddie de Garay with many, many adverse reactions:

You can see many videos of people begging for help and to be heard:

If you watch the Full Length Interview of Doug Cameron’s story, it is heart breaking.  The Trailer does not do his story justice.

His story is the kind of story that 60 Minutes, CBC and W5 used to broadcast.  But today, they ignore anything negative about the vax, including people who are suffering and dying because of the vax.

Here is 46-year old Canadian woman Carrie Sakamoto with no prior health issues, who immediately got sick after receiving her second jab. She has had Bell’s palsy (facial paralysis) for 7 months, which has only gotten worse as time progressed. Carrie needed to be hospitalized for 18 days due to her injuries. She needed to be put on a feeding tube and almost needed to go to the ICU.

19-year-old from Australia speaking up in a hospital bed about her experience with the Pfizer vaccine, and her new permanent injuries that have come with it:

Woman from Canada in tearful video about vaccine injured husband:

Vaccine victim Casey Hodgkinson Interview with Liz Gunn:

Silence: The story of COVID vaccine victims:

Vaccine Victim Kellai Rodriguez:

Vaccine Victim Stephanie Gard:

Vaccine Victim Emma Burke:

“I have seizures everyday, sometimes up to 150 & had to surrender my driving license. I have to use a wheelchair to get about as my right leg doesn’t want to move. I went from living independently to moving back in with my parents, unable to be left alone incase I hurt myself.”

Woman talks about her father’s vaccine injury:

The nurse’s testimony to Congress starts at 18:20 in the following video:

Widow from the vax has a message to everyone:

Young girl unable to walk after doing “her part”:

Laura Lynn confronts lying MSMs that will not report vaccine injuries:

Vaccine injured Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Joel Wallskog shares what the media won’t:

Here are more videos and stories of vaccine-injured:

There are many, many, many more videos of the vaccine-injured that the media, politicians, authorities and doctors continue to ignore. This webpage would be too long to show them all. I should not have to create this website. The media should be doing this.

According to Pfizer’s and Moderna’s data, the vax kills and injures more people than Covid. See 5 huge Covid scams.

Authorities did not tell us the serious side effects, such as death, before coercing us to take the vax. This is manslaughter. They need to be arrested and charged.