Anti-Science Trudeau Continues Persecuting the Unvaxed with Quarantines

Justin Trudeau arrives in Costa Rica with no mask and no shame.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, Trudeau followed little to no science.

Jordan Peterson: Government Adviser Told Me COVID Rules Based On Opinion Polls, Not Science

Trudeau and his lapdog media were the biggest liars and spreaders of hate that the country has ever seen. He and the media got the majority of the country, who were vaxed, to hate the unvaxed. Trudeau lied and referred to the unvaxed as “misogynist”, “racist”, who “take up space”, “holding unacceptable views” and should not be “tolerated”.

The media, especially the CBC, were obsessed with the vax and pushed it incessantly onto Canadians. CBC censored commenters who questioned the vax, let alone post negative facts and data sourced from government sources, such as the CDC or Ontario government. If users posted those, CBC banned their accounts. At the same time, they vilified the unvaxed for not getting the most dangerous vax in history according to CDC’s data (see 5 Huge Covid Scams).

Consequently, in the autumn of 2021, Trudeau banned the unvaxed to get on planes and trains. This is despite the fact that we have known since July 2021, only a few months after the roll out of the vax and before millions of people got their second shot, that the vax does not stop the spread and that the viral load in the vaxed and unvaxed are similar (see 5 Huge Covid Scams).

By June 2022, Trudeau still had this ban despite that most countries in the world had relaxed restrictions. We can only come up with one reason: he was either vindictive against the truckers who brought embarrassing negative worldwide attention to him, or he didn’t want to concede to the truckers in fear of losing more face. Trudeau finally ended this ban at the end of June 2022 due to political and public pressure.

However, he still kept the requirement for the unvaxed, and only the unvaxed, to quarantine upon return to Canada. This is despite the fact that he himself, who is triple-vaxed, got Covid not once, but twice. In addition, his transport minister Omar Alghabra, who is probably triple or quadruple vaxed, got Covid. Many, many vaxed people got Covid. In fact, you probably have multiple fully-vaxed friends and family who got Covid. Moreover, the Ontario government’s website showed data for much of 2022 that the triple-vaxed are twice as likely to get Covid as the not fully vaxed:

Case rates by vaccination status and age group
In the table, click on “_id” twice so that you see _id = 1105
agegroup = ALL
cases_notfull_vac_rate_per100K = 3.29
cases_boost_vac_rate_per100K = 6.54

Hospitalizations by vaccination status
For _id 325:
icu_unvac = 9 or 19%
icu_partial_vac = 1
icu_full_vac = 37 or 79%

According to Government of Canada, 82% of Ontarians are double-vaxed.  Therefore, the vax’s prevention of hospitalization is statistically insignificant.

Not only is the anti-science continuing, but the political persecution and oppression of the unvaxed is continuing. When abroad, the unvaxed needs to spend money and time to get tests before flying to Canada, go into quarantine for 14 days and get PCR tests on day 1 and day 8 after arrival.  This is not required of the vaxed. The 14 day quarantine is not only very expensive in terms of lost days of work, but prohibitive because most people cannot take more than 14 days off of work in order to take a vacation or business trip. Therefore, most of the unvaxed cannot take vacations.

Trudeau, who got Covid twice, took his family recently on vacation to Costa Rica. (When Trudeau got Covid the first time, he alluded that he got Covid from his child, possibly to avoid talking to the truckers who were in Ottawa at the time.) Upon returning to Canada from Costa Rica, they did not go into quarantine.

The level of anti-science and lies is staggering.

Trudeau Ignores Not Only the Truckers

He ignores the thousands of people who got killed or injured by the vax.

Click to see her video

Tens of thousands have suffered severe side effects.  Brianne Dressen’s experience is not even the worse.  People have been paralyzed, permanently disabled, had legs amputated due to blood clots or have died.

Here is Dr. John Campbell interviewing Kyle Warner, an athlete, who got pericarditis:

Kyle explains that the injured are being ignored and denied.

“Neuro disease after vaccine with Nikk”

Here is Maddie de Garay with many, many adverse reactions:

You can see many videos of people begging for help and to be heard:

If you watch the Full Length Interview of Doug Cameron’s story, it is heart breaking.  The Trailer does not do his story justice.

His story is the kind of story that 60 Minutes, CBC and W5 used to broadcast.  But today, they ignore anything negative about the vax, including people who are suffering and dying because of the vax.

Here is 46-year old Canadian woman Carrie Sakamoto with no prior health issues, who immediately got sick after receiving her second jab. She has had Bell’s palsy (facial paralysis) for 7 months, which has only gotten worse as time progressed. Carrie needed to be hospitalized for 18 days due to her injuries. She needed to be put on a feeding tube and almost needed to go to the ICU.

19-year-old from Australia speaking up in a hospital bed about her experience with the Pfizer vaccine, and her new permanent injuries that have come with it:

Woman from Canada in tearful video about vaccine injured husband:

Vaccine victim Casey Hodgkinson Interview with Liz Gunn:

Silence: The story of COVID vaccine victims:

Vaccine Victim Kellai Rodriguez:

Vaccine Victim Stephanie Gard:

Vaccine Victim Emma Burke:

“I have seizures everyday, sometimes up to 150 & had to surrender my driving license. I have to use a wheelchair to get about as my right leg doesn’t want to move. I went from living independently to moving back in with my parents, unable to be left alone incase I hurt myself.”

Woman talks about her father’s vaccine injury:

The nurse’s testimony to Congress starts at 18:20 in the following video:

Widow from the vax has a message to everyone:

Young girl unable to walk after doing “her part”:

Laura Lynn confronts lying MSMs that will not report vaccine injuries:

Vaccine injured Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Joel Wallskog shares what the media won’t:

Here are more videos and stories of vaccine-injured:

There are many, many, many more videos of the vaccine-injured that the media, politicians, authorities and doctors continue to ignore. This webpage would be too long to show them all. I should not have to create this website. The media should be doing this.

According to Pfizer’s and Moderna’s data, the vax kills and injures more people than Covid. See 5 huge Covid scams.

Authorities did not tell us the serious side effects, such as death, before coercing us to take the vax. This is manslaughter. They need to be arrested and charged.


Trudeau Implicated in Biological Weapons Violation

If what David Martin says is even partially true, we have more huge scams and crimes:

According to David Martin:

The work on engineering SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes the COVID-19 illness, and the vaxes for this virus, started in the 1990s and into the 2000s, before the pandemic.  During this time, several patents were filed for the creation of the virus and vax.

British Columbia company Acuitas and Arbutus created the lipid nanoparticles that is used to deliver the mRNA in the Covid vaxes.  

In spring of 2020, Trudeau told Canada that we will go back to a new normal when there is a vaccine.  But he didn’t tell the public that there was a financial interest in that selected pathway forward.

In 2016, Acuitas and Arbutus fought over licensing rights with litigation battles.

By March 2019, Pfizer, Arbutus, Moderna and BioNTech were working on a vax for a respiratory pathogen.  Evidence for this is in their amended patent filings.

By September 2019, the Canadian government was well aware of agreements with Pfizer and Moderna that Canada’s lipid nanoparticle technology was a frontline contender for a respiratory pathogen simulation and the Canadian government participated in an exercise to determine if the world was ready for a respiratory pathogen pandemic.

Trudeau’s statement biased the consumer against other treatments into a single pathway out of the pandemic and the only way forward is with the vax.  This means he is racketeering.  David Martin explained clearly why this is racketeering (collusion) at 21:00 in video.

Trudeau has not only violated Canadian law, but also participated in a bioweapon treaty violation.

The vax is not a vaccine.  FDA referred to it as a “gene therapy”.  The drug companies want to call it a vaccine to get immunity from liability.

Other crimes include at least reckless homicide, if not wilful murder.

Update on 2022-02-14:

Go to and for more lies.