
Below is an excellent documentary called The Time Is Now, featuring Dr. Ben Tapper. It is very well done and has disturbing information. I do not know if everything in the video is verified or correct, but it does have reputable people in it, such as Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Lee Merritt, Dr. Robert Malone and other doctors and nurses. They provide information from the other side of the debate, which should be heard, not silenced. You should hear both sides and determine for yourself who is right.

If even part of the video is correct, then malfeasance and likely manslaughter was committed and somebody should go to jail. The documentary provides several stories, one of which is about a nurse whistleblower who reveals that many thousands of people were neglected in the hospital, untreated and died needlessly in April 2020 and onward. It also provides additional evidence to corroborate Scam 2 (vax safety) and Scam 5 (early treatments) described in the following:

The video provides additional evidence to corroborate the vaccine injury videos shown in the following:

The video provides additional evidence to corroborate the following about censorship:

You can get more information about this documentary by going to The Time is Now website.

The following video provides evidence to corroborate Scam 1 (vax effectiveness). It shows the January 2022 case numbers, broken out by vax status, for four Canadian provinces:

Trudeau Ignores Not Only the Truckers

He ignores the thousands of people who got killed or injured by the vax.

Click to see her video

Tens of thousands have suffered severe side effects.  Brianne Dressen’s experience is not even the worse.  People have been paralyzed, permanently disabled, had legs amputated due to blood clots or have died.

Here is Dr. John Campbell interviewing Kyle Warner, an athlete, who got pericarditis:

Kyle explains that the injured are being ignored and denied.

“Neuro disease after vaccine with Nikk”

Here is Maddie de Garay with many, many adverse reactions:

You can see many videos of people begging for help and to be heard:

If you watch the Full Length Interview of Doug Cameron’s story, it is heart breaking.  The Trailer does not do his story justice.

His story is the kind of story that 60 Minutes, CBC and W5 used to broadcast.  But today, they ignore anything negative about the vax, including people who are suffering and dying because of the vax.

Here is 46-year old Canadian woman Carrie Sakamoto with no prior health issues, who immediately got sick after receiving her second jab. She has had Bell’s palsy (facial paralysis) for 7 months, which has only gotten worse as time progressed. Carrie needed to be hospitalized for 18 days due to her injuries. She needed to be put on a feeding tube and almost needed to go to the ICU.

19-year-old from Australia speaking up in a hospital bed about her experience with the Pfizer vaccine, and her new permanent injuries that have come with it:

Woman from Canada in tearful video about vaccine injured husband:

Vaccine victim Casey Hodgkinson Interview with Liz Gunn:

Silence: The story of COVID vaccine victims:

Vaccine Victim Kellai Rodriguez:

Vaccine Victim Stephanie Gard:

Vaccine Victim Emma Burke:

“I have seizures everyday, sometimes up to 150 & had to surrender my driving license. I have to use a wheelchair to get about as my right leg doesn’t want to move. I went from living independently to moving back in with my parents, unable to be left alone incase I hurt myself.”

Woman talks about her father’s vaccine injury:

The nurse’s testimony to Congress starts at 18:20 in the following video:

Widow from the vax has a message to everyone:

Young girl unable to walk after doing “her part”:

Laura Lynn confronts lying MSMs that will not report vaccine injuries:

Vaccine injured Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Joel Wallskog shares what the media won’t:

Here are more videos and stories of vaccine-injured:

There are many, many, many more videos of the vaccine-injured that the media, politicians, authorities and doctors continue to ignore. This webpage would be too long to show them all. I should not have to create this website. The media should be doing this.

According to Pfizer’s and Moderna’s data, the vax kills and injures more people than Covid. See 5 huge Covid scams.

Authorities did not tell us the serious side effects, such as death, before coercing us to take the vax. This is manslaughter. They need to be arrested and charged.


Trudeau Implicated in Biological Weapons Violation

If what David Martin says is even partially true, we have more huge scams and crimes:

According to David Martin:

The work on engineering SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes the COVID-19 illness, and the vaxes for this virus, started in the 1990s and into the 2000s, before the pandemic.  During this time, several patents were filed for the creation of the virus and vax.

British Columbia company Acuitas and Arbutus created the lipid nanoparticles that is used to deliver the mRNA in the Covid vaxes.  

In spring of 2020, Trudeau told Canada that we will go back to a new normal when there is a vaccine.  But he didn’t tell the public that there was a financial interest in that selected pathway forward.

In 2016, Acuitas and Arbutus fought over licensing rights with litigation battles.

By March 2019, Pfizer, Arbutus, Moderna and BioNTech were working on a vax for a respiratory pathogen.  Evidence for this is in their amended patent filings.

By September 2019, the Canadian government was well aware of agreements with Pfizer and Moderna that Canada’s lipid nanoparticle technology was a frontline contender for a respiratory pathogen simulation and the Canadian government participated in an exercise to determine if the world was ready for a respiratory pathogen pandemic.

Trudeau’s statement biased the consumer against other treatments into a single pathway out of the pandemic and the only way forward is with the vax.  This means he is racketeering.  David Martin explained clearly why this is racketeering (collusion) at 21:00 in video.

Trudeau has not only violated Canadian law, but also participated in a bioweapon treaty violation.

The vax is not a vaccine.  FDA referred to it as a “gene therapy”.  The drug companies want to call it a vaccine to get immunity from liability.

Other crimes include at least reckless homicide, if not wilful murder.

Update on 2022-02-14:

Go to and for more lies.

Dear Freedom Supporters

Demanding for freedom may not be enough.  Here is why.

The opposition includes Trudeau, Liberals, media and many of the vaxed.  They think that the truck convoy is an anti-Covid-vax protest no matter how many times you tell them it is not about the vax.

In my opinion, Trudeau thinks he is doing what his base of voters wants.  He thinks he has the support of the majority of the voters.  And thanks to the brainwashing from the vax-obsessed, dishonest media, he did have support.  Every political party does internal polling on a regular basis and the Liberals’ polling is likely telling them that their voters WANT the mandate and passport.  These people exist, because 83% of Canadians are vaxed.  These people do not care about your freedom.  They, such as this guy (, do not think you have lost your freedom.  They have not lost their freedom.  These voters want you to shut up and get the jab.

Most of us have some friends on Facebook who disagree with us and want the truckers to get the jab.  There are Canadians who support the truckers who are shipping supplies and not in the protest.  By demanding for freedom, you are not going to change these voters’ minds.  You need to change these voters’ minds in order to change the Liberals’ minds.  To do that, you need to explain to them one of the following:

  1. The vax is dangerous and therefore, they should not want it either.
  2. The vax does not work and this has been known since July 2021.  Here is another video explaining UK’s experience, which is that the vax provided little to no protection. After a while, it provided negative protection. Therefore the mandate is useless.
  3. They’ve been scammed with 5 scams.  Read

It is not even Trudeau or the government that did most of the scamming.  It was the media.

Once these voters understand these scams, they will not support Trudeau either.  Once the Liberals know from their polling that they are losing support, they will relinquish the mandate/passport.  Hence, the importance of getting as many people to read

People care about themselves, more than they care about you or your freedom.  They got the jab.  They are thinking “WTH, why didn’t you get the jab?  I did my part.  Why haven’t you done you part?  You should be forced to get the jab.”

If you do not get the jab and the government lets you win and gives you back your freedom, the vaxed will lose face and they will be angry at you and the government.  The only way to change the vaxed’s mind (many of them have already changed their minds, but the vaxed make up 83% of the population) is to show them “what’s in it for them”.  They need to see why they themselves should not want the jab.  Once they see this, they will demand that the mandate and passport are dropped.  Hence, the importance of getting as many people as possible to read

Out of all of the 5 scams, I think the most likely one to get voters to change their minds is the dangerous aspect of the vax.  If they see how dangerous it is, then they will not want the mandate and passport.  There are two key points from Scam 2:

  1. Vax kills and injures more people than Covid
  2. Vax increases 5 year risk of heart attack from 11% to 25%.  This was found by 2 independent researchers.

Hence, the importance of this message:


2. might be more important than 1. because most of the vaxed did not get side effects.  If so, then this should be the message:


Then you show Pfizer’s and Moderna’s data or the study on the risk of heart attack and video of Dr. Malhotra, to support the above.

You should copy excerpts from Scam 2 and post that on social media.

You need to tell the vaxed that they are taking significant risks with more shots, i.e., the booster, with little to no benefit.  You need to be providing information that is of value to them, not to you.